Sunday, April 17, 2011

Marvelous March

March brought all new adventures for Elizabeth.  She really started to focus on sitting up and she discovered solid foods. 

Once she started practicing sitting, she seemed to have totally forgotten about (or at least lost interest in) rolling over.  It’s even harder now then ever to get her to be on her tummy for tummy time practice.

She has also learned several new yoga poses, so she now does Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Butterfly), Wide Straddle Split, Happy Baby (yes, that’s a pose!), and Boat Pose (usually because she is trying to sit up when laid down).

Here she is in a perfect Boat…

Eating solids has been an ongoing experience.  We started with Rice cereal, oatmeal, and then onto some veggies during March.

I’ve posted a short video of her eating on her first day.  She had the funniest expression (rolling her eyes up) with each bite…until the camera came on, of course!

The first couple of days we held her in our arms while feeding, but then she graduated to the High Chair.  As you can see, she was very comfortable in it immediately.

She did love the Sweet Potatoes, that’s for sure.

We did get a nice little hike in this month.  We did a trail at Apex Park, but unfortunately only got about 1.5 miles out before I realized we better turn around.  Our “little” girl was breaking my shoulders in the Baby Bjorn.  At her 6 month doctor appointment (April 2nd), she weighed 18 lbs.  Too much weight for a front carrier with no hip support…time for a backpack carrier….

A couple of weeks after the Apex hike we picked up the new kid carrier.  Here’s Elizabeth testing it out back at home.  We had hoped her smiles would mean some wonderful hikes were ahead of us…stay tuned!

The other fun thing we learned was that Elizabeth likes swings!  Our friends, David and Beth, took us to a playground with their son Bryce and we put the babes on the swings, and Eliz was hooked…

Here’s David and Bryce…

Here’s Eliz on another day at the playground…she gets so happy.  She kicks her legs and laughs.  So wonderful.

Another monumental change was that Eliz upgraded to the big bathtub.  She had outgrown the infant tub, then the kitchen sink, and now she is in a bath seat to help her sit up in the tub.  She was a little perplexed on her first day in the big tub…

There are other pictures of our little girl on our WebAlbums, feel free to visit to see them all.

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