Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Month of January

January became a busy month for us because I started teaching yoga three nights a week.  Not only does this entail me preparing lesson plans in addition to teaching, but it also entails listening to Andy say “Hurry home!” three nights a week.  Even though teaching evening classes is best because of the business, it unfortunately is Elizabeth’s “fussy time” and bedtime.  So Andy is fully responsible for handling her crying fits, feeding her and getting her into bed.  Not always an easy task!  But they both survived the first month, so that’s a good sign.

It’s been a good month.  Although we’ve had to abort a number of hikes due to bad weather (and our bad timing)…we did finally get out a few times.  It brings a sense of normalcy back into our lives and it’s fun to start sharing life with Elizabeth.

Here is one of our “aborted” hikes.  We drove up to Walker Ranch with our neighbors David & Bryce, and found the temps to be lower and the winds to be stronger up here.  I’ve been dying to do this trail again, but this day wasn’t to be the day.  We got a short way in when both Bryce and Elizabeth got hungry…here we are at our “lunch” spot.

David and Bryce on the left and Diane and Eliz on the right…

After feeding the two babes, we turned around and headed back hoping to find another trail in the flatlands.  But the winds were still strong, so we aborted our second attempt for the day and went out to lunch instead!

But then we were successful on several other attempts.  Here we are on a nearby trail just off of Hwy 93 – Flat Irons Vista.  There’s a short little loop trail that we’ve done (and aborted) a couple of times.  Close in, but nice views.

And then a great day hiking in Roxborough State Park.  We took the short (2.5 mile) Fountain Valley Loop Trail.  This State Park has beautiful red rock formations that were accented by the recent snows.

The trail was a little sloppy, so I was happy to have my poles.

And here’s the happy little bear…

The last two days gave us some gorgeous weather.  So yesterday we went hiking in Matthews/Winters Park – near Morrison.

We saw an old cemetery…

a neat sandstone outcropping…

and got the usual post-hike smiles from Elizabeth.  Still trying to figure out if she is happy because she was outside on a hike, or if she is happy when she finds herself back in the car all toasty warm?!

Here Elizabeth is reading the paper with Daddy – she likes to help him turn (or eat!) the pages…

She’s starting to love her jumperoo.  Bryce (who is 7 wks older than her) showed her how to “use it” one day and ever since she has really started jumping and hitting all of the toys on it.

Andy is the one that rough-houses with her and shows her the real adventurous side of life.  One thing he has taken to doing is “burying” her under things – clothes, comforters, pillows, etc.  Does it look like she minds?

Every week brings new changes.  She is much more mobile now.  Since early January she has rolled over from tummy to back several times.  But her big moving technique is lifting her hips and rolling onto her side so she ends up spinning in circles mostly, and occasionally making lateral moves.  For example, I did not put her in her crib in this direction!

Now we have to worry about her getting her feet caught in the slats of her crib, or her rolling into a bookcase, or her heading towards the fireplace, or….

So much to learn, and worry about, as new parents!  Will it ever stop?

You can see more pictures on our WebAlbums.

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