Friday, June 19, 2009


My goal today was to run the same route as I did on my last trail run --- on the Mtn Bike Trails in Warrior Path State Park.

My last run ended up being 6.3 miles.  My initial intention was to run around 3 miles, but I had some extra energy so I added another trail or two to make another loop.

So today I wanted to see if I could run 6.3 miles again or if that last run was a fluke.  (Trail runs take more effort, so I usually can't run many miles on trails).  Plus, I wanted to see how my time would compare. 

I guess it wasn't meant to be.  For one, we've experienced some pretty strong storms recently (we lost power for 24 hours) - and yet the number & size of the downed trees took me by surprise.  I expected slick rocks and a muddy clay path, and I was perfectly prepared for a mud-fest, but I wasn't prepared to have to climb over and crawl under so many large trees and nests of branches.  Then, to add to my diminishing speed, I got lost.  With criss-crossing paths it's easy to do.  I carry a map with me to help, but I still managed a wrong turn.

Needless to say, I can't compare one run to another.  They never are the same are they?  I even had to stop and take pictures with my phone at a couple of spots because I was so amazed by the storm's wrath.  I added about 15 minutes to my time, but I also added an extra 1/2 mile due to my internal compass failure.

Some day maybe I'll take a picture of my outfit when I do these solo runs - I wore my fuel belt (w/ a gel and map in the pocket), my spi-belt (w/ my phone and car key), and a mace (for loose dogs or crazy people).  I'm pretty alone on these trails and Andy feels better if I'm fully equipped.  I feel like I'm weighted down with a holster.

PS  Andy has now gone on a trail run, too.  I think he's addicted as well.

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