Thursday, May 07, 2009

Kingsport, TN - Solo Hike on Devil's Backbone

Andy had to mow at noon, I wasn't scheduled to work the store til 4pm, the sun was shining (finally, and only temporarily I knew), so I decided to play hooky.  Wouldn't you have done the same?  After days of hearing raindrops on the RV roof, I'm sure you would've. 

I slipped on my hiking boots and went to explore one of the trails in Warrior's State Park.  Solo.  I chose Devil's Backbone for several reasons.  I liked the name (reminded me of names out west), it was close, it followed the river most of the way...and,

...I could extend it by adding on the Fall Creek Loop.  I also wanted to see if I could access Fall Creek Loop from a dead-end at Childress Ferry Road - yep.  That's closer access for us.  Yeah.  Fall Creek was muddy and, I'm guessing, higher than normal considering our recent rains.

I had the trail all to myself.  One set of boot prints and one set of paw prints were the only sign that someone else was tromping in the woods with me.  It was quiet and perfect.  I saw lots of butterflies and a handful of deer - or at least their white tails.

I thought it was funny, though, that a portion of the trail - literally - takes you across the State Park's Golf Course.  Both golfers and I jumped when I was dumped out on a tee....and then had to cross it to continue on the trail.

To see more photos from my hike, visit Our WebAlbums.

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