Monday, May 18, 2009

Kingsport, TN - I Finally Did It!

When we first arrived here, we looked at a map and drove some of the local roads to try and determine a new running route.  We thought running Rocky Branch Road to the mountain bike trailhead would be a good choice because there are not many cars.  The drawback was the hills. 

It had taken me several runs before I could actually make it *all the way* to the trailhead.  I say that tongue-in-cheek because it is only 2.2 miles one way.  But every time we tried to add more distance, we inevitably added more hills.

But I finally did it last week....I touched the trailhead sign!  Woo Hoo!  Then, the next night, I ran it again.  And this time I didn't have to stop and walk at all!  Another "Woo Hoo", please.  There's this one hill that kicked me every time.  I've now done this run three times, and I believe I have that hill conquered. 

But I realized that in order for me to keep my knee pains at bay, I have to get back on my bike for some solid cross-training...this will lead to another another post.

Some of my runs have been solo because of our work schedules.  The only thing that makes me uncomfortable on my runs is the ogling.  There's something unsettling when you're being stared out - especially when they're big, black and hairy - and with those dopey eyes.  Just because they have udders doesn't make me any less self-conscious.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Nice site Sean. Wish I heard about your site when we moved there for those would've helped us out quite a bit.