Sunday, April 05, 2009

Testing Out Live Writer


I'm practicing with Windows Live Writer (as an alternative method to posting my blog entries) and the mapping segment of it.  I'll decide whether I'll use Google Maps or Microsoft Maps, or continue with my old way of using Mapoint, after trying this out.  Perhaps there's a time and place for both?  We'll see...

The map above shows the three RV parks that we've stayed out so far on our trip.

But so far, there are two positives (so far) to using this program (in my opinion):

* a copy stays on my hard-drive as an instant backup (I've been FTPing a copy to my website as well as using the new blogger in order to have them in two places).  My backups to cd only happen on a quarterly basis.  Too much time goes into my blogs to risk losing three months of posts!

* I can create my posts even when I don't have internet access.  This has really bogged me down in the past.  If I can't write frequently I tend to condense my posts even more because there would be too much/too many days to write about.  Then it feels more like work than the fun hobby it is and should be.

Ok, three:

* I like the ease of having the "links" open up in a separate window.  This only happens in Blogger if I add some HTML coding for each link I create - that won't happen, I've tried it!

Thanks to Chris for reminding me about this free Microsoft may make this year's travels just a little easier to record.

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