Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Flutterby Butterfly

In a sick sort of way, I was almost happy that Andy had to take some quiet time to nurse an injury. We wanted to do something on the day after he injured his quadricep on a 10-mile run and needed to think of something that wouldn't require much walking. Then we thought of Butterfly World. We haven't been here since Andy's Dad and Mom went with us (March, 2005). The classical music, lush landscaping, and lots of benches makes it a place that beckons to relax. Sometimes sitting is the best way to see more....just watch the butterflies and hummingbirds come to you.

So, as the name would imply, there are lots of butterflies - from all around the world:

There are hummingbirds, too. Due to their territorial nature, expect to be buzzed by some of these tiny birds.
Andy enjoys walking under the misters that add to the tropical rainforest feel of the atrium.
This visit didn't even require us to buy the nectar for the lorikeets - Andy had four of them land on him immediately upon entering their habitat. Be careful with the lorikeets though - they're known to chew on everything - shirts, skin, hats, earlobes...they're not picky!
The flowers that can be found throughout are just as beautiful as the butterflies and birds.
And the birds are of all colors and sizes...

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