Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Be Kind. Be Human.

hu-man: a person
hu-mane: 1) emphasizing humanistic values and concerns; 2) kind or compassionate
hu-man-i-ty: 1) the condition or quality of being human; 2) the quality of being humane
hu-man-i-tar-i-an: adj. Compassionate
hu-man-ize: to make humane; civilize
hu-man-kind: the human race
I think we've forgotten how to be human. I don't know about you, but I'm eager to have these elections over with because I think it is bringing out the worst in us. We've all heard the stories: assassination threats against Senator Obama; an effigy of Governor Palin hanging from a noose; a Halloweener dressed as Sarah Palin is confronted; political signs ripped out of people's lawns; homes are vandalized; racial slurs and sexist remarks are thrown around (a renewed scourge from decades ago); and so on. If we really were a kind and compassionate race, we could disagree with civility. This is the wonderful benefit of living in America - we have the ability and the right to our opinions. We all want what is best for our country, we just happen to disagree on what that is. We just need to remember the importance of being human and being kind -- a vote for all of humankind.

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