Friday, June 27, 2008


Earlier this month I spent the weekend attending The Millionaire Mind Intensive. It was a great seminar, and as the name implies, intense. Intense because it was long - approximately 40 hours in 3 days. But, more importantly, intense because of the activities that you do to try to determine what is stopping you from being financially free. Call it self-evaluation, reflection, inspection, whatever. Sometimes things can get ugly when looked at under a microscope. Almost all of us have had past experiences or prior role models that created a negative belief of money or rich people. But in addition to determining what is stopping us (usually fear), you must first know what you want and why. It is only with a clear vision of your goal that you can reach it. "Clarity is Power".

So, with this seminar...and watching The Secret...and doing some searching within my heart...and talking with Andy, I've realized that my goal hasn't changed. Or, I should say "our" goal. We want to travel, we want to be financially free to do so on our terms. We want to spend our time volunteering or working with our park service. We want to enjoy life.

With this, we have extended our Trading Time Limit to the end of July. Our initial deadline was April 30th. Our trading was showing signs of consistency at that time, so we extended our deadline to May 31st. Then May brought us all sorts of technical issues with Prophet Charts (the charting service we use). So much so, that Andy opened a new brokerage account with TradeStation because their charts are platform-based vs web-based. That caused us to extend our date to June 30th so he could learn the new program. And here we are - June 27th.

Today we decided we need one more month to make our final decision. What decision, you ask? It's the decision as to whether stock trading is in our to whether this is the opportunity for us to reach our goal of being financially free to live our dream. We want it to be. It's a business we can travel with. It's a business that, hopefully after this learning curve, will allow us more time to enjoy life on a daily basis. We've recently read a new trading book that has shown us what we've been missing to increase our probability of winners. It's simple and sensible and we're both going to begin incorporating some changes into our trading strategies. So we need more time to see if this is indeed the missing link. But, boy oh boy, I wish we weren't in a bear market right now....

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