Sunday, September 02, 2007

Leavenworth, WA - Tubing

We couldn't decide what to do on Sunday here in Leavenworth. A quick look at the bumper-to-bumper traffic on the only main road through town, though, told us we had to find something that did not require driving on that road.

So we set up a self-shuttle system to go tubing on the Wenatchee River that bisects town. I love our self-shuttle systems. It's like developing our own multi-adventure course. We drove our car to the put-in on Icicle Road, then floated down the river to the take-out point which was the boat ramp on E. Leavenworth Drive and walked the 3/4 mile home with our rafts. Then we hopped on our bikes and biked the four miles back to our car. I think our neighbors must've thought we were crazy: we drove out, walked in, biked out, and drove in.

Now, it looks like Andy is relaxed, doesn't it? It was a beautiful river to float down, but our indecision throughout the day cost us. We didn't get on the river until 4pm and off the river til 5:30. The river is probably 50 degrees, and without the hot sun from the day to keep us warm, we got chilled quickly. And, for anyone who knows us would know, we don't float well...we had to paddle. And, if we were in Florida, there would have been a lot of splashing eachother and mayhem.
There were several riffles, or small, shallow rapids, which added some excitement to this leisurely experience. And the views of the area are even prettier on the water.
And, we finally got to use the River Tubes that we had bought used from a fellow RVer back in 2005 while staying in Lyons, CO. At least now we know they work!

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