Thursday, September 06, 2007

Get Away

Calgon! Take me away! That's how we've been feeling lately. The frustrations from unsuccessful trading and satellite problems had been building. When you are sitting on the shores of Lake Chelan watching the sunset and you realize that you are not appreciating its beauty...that's when you realize that you need to do something.

Oddly enough, "things" kept popping up around me relating to the topic on our minds. First, Chris writes a post on her blog regarding making a life, making a living. This is what we are struggling with. In prior years on the road, we were just traveling. Oh, and was that wonderful! But since last year we have been trying to earn an income in order to stay on the road. This changes things. Especially when you're not earning any money and investing a lot of your time. We are basically putting in 'full-time hours' watching the market, looking at stocks, studying, etc. We started stock trading to have the flexibility to travel. But without the income, our traveling may need to come to an end.

This is why our satellite issues have added that much more stress for us. I haven't been able to focus on work as much as I need too because a lot of my time has been spent on the phone with tech support. I do need to say, however, that Motosat has been very responsive. They now understand my frustrations and I think I have every top employee working with us to get it resolved. They even sent a technician to our RV last week to look things over. Now, that's a challenge since we're always moving! They just happened to have someone on their way from Spokane to Seattle and was passing within miles of us. It's all about finding the right satellite with the right frequency, and we're hoping this third satellite is the magic one for us.

The other day this quote from Arthur Ashe came to us:
From what we get we can make a living. What we give, however, makes a life.
We have talked for years about giving back - donating time to the NPS or Habitat for Humanity or some other organization. But it's hard to give your time when you are applying so much of it to trying to earn an income. We still want to be charitable and we hope to find a way to incorporate that back into our lives.

So, the question does someone who is traveling and visiting all of these beautiful places, actually "get away"? Backpacking! Leave behind the computers, phones, the RV with the satellite dish attached to it, noisy neighbors and tight RV spaces, and try to disappear into the woods...and that's what we did! We heard about the remote town of Stehekin on the other end of Lake Chelan and decided to go camping for the weekend.

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