Sunday, January 15, 2012

November and Our Big Move

November was a very busy month for us.  We moved our business!  We moved from an office building to a retail storefront in our Olde Town Arvada – the main street shopping district in our city.  It’s amazing how much needs to be done before, during, and after moving a business.  But we are excited about the new opportunities this will (hopefully) bring us.  Wish us luck!

In Elizabeth’s world, every day was a new day of learning.  In early November she really started to fight for her independence.  She would refuse to allow me to brush her teeth – she had to do it herself.  Then if you asked her if she wanted her diaper changed, she would walk to the bedroom and stand by her changing table waiting.  She needed to be an active decision-maker in what/when things needed to be done.

Elizabeth’s vocabulary grows.  She said “blue”, “green”, and “yellow” – the colors of her three bath ducks.  And she said “eight” while playing with her toy cell phone.  By the end of the month, she started saying another word she hears frequently…”stop”!

She started spinning herself in circles, “getting dizzy”, and falling down.  This is usually a game we play together when we dance around in circles…now she plays without me!  But it is so much fun to watch her ‘dance’.  By December she even started saying “dizzy” as she fell down.  She has also started to walk backwards this month.  Very cute…until she falls over something that was behind her.  I wonder when she’ll learn to look backwards?

With all of the chaos relating to our move, I realized how few pictures I took this month!  Well, it was the move, and several other changes this month.  We needed to find Daycare for Elizabeth so I could spend more time at the store.  We had hoped to up the hours with her babysitter, but that couldn’t be arranged unfortunately.  And, the yoga studio where I’ve been teaching this past year announced they were to close at the end of November, so I needed to find another job(s) to keep teaching.  Lots of changes.  Always seems like things happen at the same time, huh?

Here are some random shots from this month:

Eliz and Daddy coloring at home…

One day a friend needed to leave her son with me for a couple of hours.  Eliz’s first playdate at our house.  I enjoyed watching Eliz and her friend Liam play together.  Some things that Eliz does I thought were special antics of hers…I learned that some must have been age-driven antics since Liam did many of the same silly things.

We had read that the city was going to finally tear down the rusty old water tower that adorned our backyard.  One day we woke up to see welders atop the dome, starting to dismantle it piece by piece.  It was pretty cool to watch.  Unfortunately I had to leave the house before they finished, but I saw most of the demolition.

Elizabeth got this cool new Elephant Chair for her birthday.  She loves to just lounge all over it.  Here she rolled off of it while in a post-nap stupor…

We celebrated Thanksgiving at a friends house – David & Beth’s – with two other friends.  We had four kids running around the six adults.  The stairs were a favorite place for them to play – even though they were limited to only the first two steps.


They also ran around the house non-stop, I pitied poor Ollie (the dog).

If they weren’t on the move, it was because someone was sharing storytime with them.

It was a wonderful day to spend Thanksgiving with friends!  We were so grateful to be share this holiday with them all.

To see some more pictures, visit our November WebAlbum.

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