Monday, March 09, 2009

Re-Living 2004

I wanted to learn how to use WordPress's Blog. And, I've wanted to elaborate more on my original 2004 blog from our first year traveling. So, for the last few months I've slowly recreated 2004 - using WordPress. A labour of love.

The "new" blog - Diandy's RV Travels from 2004 - has more pictures and more stories. This will allow us to reminisce more easily and be a better tool for us as we continue traveling. We hope you will also find it more enjoyable to read and help you when making any travel plans. It was actually quite fun re-living that trip and re-reading my hand-written journals...but it took a lot longer than I had anticipated!

I liked using WordPress, but like everything in life there are pros and cons. Here were some of the benefits of WordPress blogging:
* it was easy to get started - lots of templates to choose from
* it was easy to add text or captions to photos
* it was easy to set up links to "open in a new window" (because I love including links for all of the places we visit or resources we use, but then you might get lost and not remember to finish reading our blog posts)
* for business purposes, you can build the blog into a website so it doesn't have a url address like 'blogspot' or 'wordpress'. I didn't set mine up, though, because my website hosting package charges extra for that feature.

What I still like about Blogger, though is:
* it's easy to upload photos with larger sizes that are just a click away
* I like the appearance of the "tags" in Blogger vs WordPress
* Picasa's new feature of watermarking photos is wonderful and flows with Blogger

Currently what I'm still fussing with in WordPress is uploading of the photos. I found that the easiest way to upload photos (in my opinion) was limiting on the size of the photo and inability to watermark. I played with many ways of uploading photos as you'll see: some can be enlarged, some lead to WebAlbums, some are in a Gallery format, and the earliest posts are static one-sized. Linking to the WebAlbums was time-consuming compared to the uploading buttons. If they could just allow a water-mark feature to the upload, I'd be happy.

Hope you check out my new old blog and enjoy it.

1 comment:

Chris Guld said...

Hey Diane,
I still think that uploading all photos to Web Albums - then linking them to wherever (including Wordpress) is the best way to go. Who knows, you might switch to Typepad, or Facebook, or ... someday. If all your photos are links to Web Albums, they won't need to be changed.
I sure agree about Wordpress' easy way of making a link to open in new window.