Monday, September 08, 2008

Fort Myers, FL - Kayaking

We finally left Fort Myers on Saturday morning. We're glad we stayed so we could take advantage of some of the toys I brought with us. Our kayaks were able to get wet two days this past week. Both times at the end of John Morris Road. It's called Bunche Beach.

The one evening we put in, we instantly sighted three dolphins who came into the shallows for some feeding. It was wonderful. Since it was so shallow where they were, they created their own waves as they spun around and zipped back and forth in search of fish.

I'm also trying to upload a video I took from our kayaks. The video shows us under attack by Black Skimmers. We must've gotten too close to their beach for their comfort. Quite frequently two to three of these long-billed birds would fly at us, low over the water, squawking loudly. Hopefully I'll get the video loaded...

But our kayaking was cut short when we turned around and saw this cloud behind us...

Besides kayaking Bunche Beach, some of the locals recommended kayaking on Sanibel and Captiva. I'll keep these in mind for our next trip...(you can click on the pushpins or the line to get more info)
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