Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Philly Fantastic

We flew to Philly for a long weekend and ended up staying just a little longer than expected. Tropical Storm Fay caused us enough worry that we decided we didn't really need to fly back home in the middle of the storm. A turbulent flight is not on my life list of things to do. So instead of flying back Monday night, we flew back this morning.

It all worked out well, though. We got to spend more time with family. Somehow time just disappears when we're home. And the weather in Philly was gorgeous. The humidity in Florida has been suffocating recently, and the weather up north was perfect with temps dropping into the 60's at night.

I also got to spend some time walking in one of my favorite parks - Alvethorpe Park. Andy's dad used to work there, so I feel close to him when I walk the wooded path. Plus, I got to see some wildlife: rabbits, chipmunks, and Canadian geese. But no deer on this visit, which surprised me.

Andy's brother, Jimmy, took us for a run in Pennypack Park. We haven't been in this park in years. They've paved part of the hilly trail that follows the creek. It's hard to believe you're actually within city limits. After having our flight delayed, we had an opportunity for a second run. It was just what I needed for the soul - big trees, birds, butterflies, the sounds of crickets and locusts, a creek with big rocks to play on - it was perfect. The trails within Pennypack offer some mountain biking and horseback riding trails in addition to the paved trail. On my next visit, maybe I'll explore those trails, too.

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