Wednesday, July 02, 2008

We're Slowing Down

We were so relieved to learn that it is normal for runners to slow down during the summer months. Apparently when the temperatures hit 80 degrees and the humidity is 85% and higher, you lose about 20-30 seconds per mile. Thank goodness - we thought it was just us!! Here we are training for triathlons and the half-marathon in February and it seemed that the more we ran, the slower we got. This is not very motivating, needless to say. So now we've learned to accept the change in our pace. We figured it was because we had been traveling the last several summers that our bodies just weren't used to the humidity any longer. But then I also realized that my worst runs are when we run with the Greater Fort Lauderdale Road Runners Club. We're running at 6:30pm, which I normally wouldn't do during the summer running on my own. It's just too hot. But it has been really nice running with the club - we've gotten to meet some really nice people.

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