Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Saying "Goodbyes"

As I expected, the past two months Jim and Chris were in town flew by. And we barely got to see them. That's what happens when you think you 'have time'...you postpone things. We had been talking about having Jim come by and replace Andy's hard drive - and that didn't happen until the week before they left. Well, at least we got it done, right?!
Here's Jim at the final moments of his work...ta da!
And since we didn't get to see them much, we really wanted to see them one last time before they left. So we drove over to their place on Saturday the day they were leaving. Don't you just *love* when people come by on your busiest day?? Yeah, they were trying to leave by noon-ish to two-ish....and we show up around 11:30. Well, at least we brought them lunch!
We don't ever really consider it "goodbye" when we see eachother off. More like "so long" or "catch you if we can"! Plus, we know they'll be back in the fall to spend the winter. But, they are now heading north into states we have yet to gather stickers for and, boy, are we jealous.

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