Friday, March 07, 2008

I Was Pretty

A Yiddish Proverb says:
With money in your pocket you are wise and you are handsome...and you sing well, too.
Well, last week I was pretty...and could sing, too. I felt like I was finally hitting my groove with trading. I was gaining some confidence back and was watching my account creeping up. I thought I was finally hitting a new threshold on my account - one where the market fluctuations wouldn't dunk me back below. But then Mr. Market reminded me that the profits that were there were only 'on paper' and he quickly took them back.

We're finding this current market has been very difficult to work in. The best descriptive word I've heard has been "schizophrenic". Up one day, down the next. We're hoping the market will start trending soon to actually make it easier. Because our time is running out. We have both a time deadline and a financial deadline. If we can't make this work soon enough, we'll be forced to make a change. We've already begun looking at alternative businesses, but it'll be hard to find something we are interested in *and* can take on the road with us.

Got any ideas?

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