Saturday, April 21, 2007

Tyler, TX - Caldwell Zoo

We don't visit a lot of zoos. We tend to feel too sorry for the caged animals. But the write-up on this small zoo was enticing, and we do love to see different animals. Caldwell Zoo was very nice. The habitats were quite natural with lots of shade, water, trees, rocks, etc. We enjoyed our visit.

Some of our highlights were watching two bengal tiger cubs (one-year old and a couple hundred pounds already) rough-housing. They stalked eachother, played in the pond, and just acted like children. The other highlight was the giraffe who hung his head over the 15-foot fence. Some people thought he was saying hello, but we knew better - he wanted the bamboo plant on our, I pushed it closer to him! Boy do they have long tongues!

I put my pictures on Picasa WebAlbums - click on this link to see more photos:
Caldwell Zoo Web Album

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