Thursday, April 24, 2008

Music to Our Ears

Living in a high rise, we don't expect to have much wildlife right out our door. Our most consistent sightings are the pigeons who live in/on our neighboring building. So it was a pleasant surprise weeks ago when we heard some "singing". Normally, if we ever actually *hear* a pigeon it's because they are sitting on our patio (Andy doesn't like this too much because they always leave behind a little present!). We've determined that our new singing neighbors are European Starlings. They've built a nest in a hole in the eave of the building across the way. Although they are non-native, they've been living in the US since the late 1800's. They look like a basic blackbird, but when the sun shines on them you can see that they are quite pretty with iridescent colors and patterns. I haven't yet gotten a good picture, so you can visit this site for photos and bird sounds.

We do get to enjoy some other entertainment from our pool deck (which is on the 31st floor) or from our balcony - we can watch vultures soar by and an occasional hawk or kestrel (he's been too fast and far away to clearly identify him in his acrobatics). Periodically there will be a flock of ibis. Watching the birds from the height of our building allows for a different perspective.

We're happy to have our Starlings singing to us everyday now. We hope they like the neighborhood and stay awhile.

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