Wednesday, June 04, 2008


The itch has returned. The travel bug can get deeply imbedded in your soul after traveling for years like we have. Although we love living in South Florida and have enjoyed having a "routine" back in our lives, it just feels like something is missing. It doesn't help that certain things have happened recently to cause our thoughts (if not our bodies) to wander . For one, Jim and Chris just took off on the road again.

And our nephew, Nick, and his wife, Amy, moved to Alaska. They've been torturing me with photos of oversized cabbage and text messages of how many moose they saw. And Amy was a quick study...I pointed her in the direction of Blogger, and voila, she put together their own blog. This will torture me even more!

Then old RVing friends from our first year out wrote an email updating us on all the great things they've been doing. More torture!

This all happened recently. Prior to that, Andy's been reading our old journals every night. He'll share some parts with me and we'll fall asleep dreaming of beautiful places and funny moments. And I've set up my screen saver on my computers to scroll thru our traveling photos. These are constant reminders of all the wonderful places we've been and all of the places yet to visit. But, do they scratch the itch? Or just make it itchier?

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