Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Sorry for the long hiatus, but we've been busy trying to get our lives reorganized. We only had two short weeks in December to unpack the RV and get settled in the condo before we were off again to Philly. We had two weeks in Philly to be with family for the holidays. Since we weren't able to put up Christmas decorations in our own home, we tried to help out family with their trees and decorations so that we could satisfy our own personal cravings for decorating over the holidays.

January just slipped away from us. We are still trying to see old friends and become acquainted with all of our new neighbors. We've been trying to learn the new area - you know, where the post office is, which streets cut through to avoid traffic, where the local Home Depot is, where Diane can take Yoga classes, find new local doctors, etc etc etc. All of the joys of moving, right? And, we've learned that some of the furniture from the house wasn't quite fitting in the new condo, so we've been changing out furniture and bric-a-brac. Unfortunately, while we were in Philly over Christmas, our two mountain bikes were stolen from the bike racks in our building. So, added to our list of items to be purchased were new bikes. That was a real bummer. Made even worse by the negative attitude of the police officer who took our report. So the assumption is that our bikes went to the islands on a stolen-bike barge. But we are getting more and more comfortable with the size of our new home and the convenience of living in a downtown environment.

We're finally in a position where we can now function and think about our future. We'll keep you informed once we know what path we will choose. I see lots of research in our near future! In the meantime I've started to volunteer at the local Wildlife Care Center, which is the largest wildlife hospital (based on quantity of patients). I'm looking forward to learning more about our native wildlife. I've also recently purchased a new camera (to replace my broken Nikon), but now I have to learn how to use it! It's my first SLR camera. Yikes!

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