Thursday, September 29, 2005

Custer, SD - Mickelson Trail

The George Mickelson Trail
This 109-mile Rail-to-Trail cuts north-south through the Black Hills from the town of Deadwood all the way south to Edgemont. Nah, we didn’t bike the whole thing, just a 10-mile stretch out-and-back. It was my first “active” day since the surgery. It was a great ride. The path was crushed gravel and traveled over 12 trestle bridges, through three tunnels, and past one ghost town (Mystic) – just in the 10-mile section we did. Our only mistake was starting at MM70 because the first 5 miles going north was all downhill…so you know what that means? Yep…one tough, long, uphill push for the last 5 miles on the return trip.

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